2015 TOYP Honouree Mohammed Zafran

2015 TOYP Honouree Mohammed Zafran

Posted By admin |25 Aug 2015
2015 TOYP Honouree Mohammed Zafran

The second in our series of blog posts about the UK's 2015 Ten Oustanding Young Persons is from Mohammed Zafran (Known as Zaf to many) who is based in the West Midlands.


TOYP » 2015 TOYP Winners » Zafran Mohammed.jpg

"I work as a Community Liaison Officer at South and City College Birmingham and I am the CEO of a company called All 4 Youth & Community.

I got into helping youths get off the streets and stay away from crime after; my 24 year old brother-in-law was brutally murdered in a local park 5 years ago.

I started walking in local parks in the middle of the night and engaged with youths who were linked with gangs and helped them to change their ways and get back in education and work. Till date through sporting and educational programmes, I’ve managed to help 13,000 youths through my academy.

I’ve completed 99 projects thus far with, a total funding of £2500 from the enterprise catalyst.

In the last couple of years I’ve set up a women’s academy which, ensures young Muslim women are not forced into marriages and can continue in further education after the age of 15. I have managed to sign up over 2,000 young women in my academy.

My work has been recognised locally and nationally and I have won the Birmingham Sports Community Award 2013, BBC West Midlands Project of the Year 2013 and National Diversity Award.  I am the current Pride of Birmingham and Pride of Sport Award winner also."


TOYP » 2015 TOYP Winners » Zaf Picture.jpg


For further information about the TOYP awards please click here