A Walk for nets to save lives in Tamale, Northern Ghana

  • JCI UK / 2013 / A Walk for nets to save lives in Tamale, Northern Ghana

A Walk for nets to save lives in Tamale, Northern Ghana

Posted By admin |25 Jul 2013
A Walk for nets to save lives in Tamale, Northern Ghana

A Walk For Nets

Its been an exciting Saturday the 20th of July and while we expected the sun to shine all day; it was pleasant to have such a perfect, calm weather that made our walk so enjoyable.

We never found any nets in the nice ambiance Hampstead Heath park that had a great view overlooking the city, with many landscapes and water bodies. Truly, we were lost in this part of London as it felt very country and away from the buzzy life of London.

While we walked, it was great to notice the following, first, walker Charmian, who although was seen taking her steady, gentle  pace, partly, because she doesn’t have any more the youthful exuberance of the rest of the group, it was interesting to see her walk the entire distance through the park and the occasional stops to help her catch her breath, get new energy and continue walking.

The  rest of the group in solidarity and team spirit, would wait for her and continue the walk as a group.

Her motivation simply was to contribute to helping curb the malaria pandemic and support the JCI London cause of raising a 1,000 nets to save 2,000 lives.

Here is the Facebook page about this beautiful project: https://www.facebook.com/JciLondonNothingButNets

Interestingly, our animal friend, Jodi, an intelligent dog, joined as on the entire walk.

While we were 11 members on the walk, with most members been JCI members and a few other guests;  I thought to my self, what greater impact we could achieve if we had many others promoting this cause.

I asked one of the walkers what inspired him to embark on  the walk. He said “ well,  I just wanted to walk” note however, that although he enjoyed walking with us and made new friends, his contribution towards this walk is going a long way to save the life of  present and future change makers in the community of Tamale, the capital of the Northern region in Ghana.

Inspired by the great outcome of this walk, that is; fostering friendship, healthy lifestyle and saving lives, another has been scheduled for the month of September and once again, choosing another lovely, breath taking area in the heart of London.

While our next fundraising event is on July 29th, http://businessseminarwithtimcampbellmbe.eventbrite.co.uk/ I am motivated even more by this young entrepreneur as I read his story.

Campbell was hired by Sir Alan Sugar in the final episode of series 1 of The Apprentice, screened in May 2005. He beat fellow contestant and runner-up Saira Khan after the pair had carried out the final challenge of hosting parties on boats on the River Thames.

After his victory, Campbell joined Sugar's company Amstrad on a £100,000 salary. His first task was to market an anti-wrinkle device and he became Project Director of Amstrad's new Health & Beauty division.

Since February 2012, Tim has been a member of Estate Office Property Consultants, a boutique London property investment and development agency, where he focuses on investments and acquisitions for High Net Worth Individuals and organizations seeking prime property opportunities.

Tim will be available on this day to answer any question that you may have as an entrepreneur. For very little, you get to hear a wide range of free tips on how you can turn your business around.

It would be great to see each of you there!

Paa Kwesi Inkumsah