Canary Wharf is the chosen location for a new potential JCI group: JCI Canary Wharf

  • JCI UK / 2014 / Canary Wharf is the chosen location for a new potential JCI group: JCI Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf is the chosen location for a new potential JCI group: JCI Canary Wharf

Posted By admin |24 Apr 2014
Canary Wharf is the chosen location for a new potential JCI group: JCI Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf is the chosen location for a new potential JCI group: JCI Canary Wharf. Along with its' image of fast-paced success and international organisations, Canary Wharf is currently in the process of starting to host events related to this newest addition to JCI. 

Thus far a few meetings have been held to promote and organize the fledgling JCI group. The first meeting was held in a private meeting room of the Ledger Bar, senior members of JCI London were there to speak about the organisation, free drinks were had and networking took place.

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JCI Canary Wharf has also had a strategy meeting, which was organised to help to build the JCI Canary Wharf brand. Many interesting ideas were shared such as organisations to contact, blogs to write and a new meetup group to be created on This meeting took place in a local bar in Canary Wharf where we were allowed to make use of an area of the bar which had been sectioned off from the crowds. Current members of JCI London attended and also friends and contacts who work in the Canary Wharf area. 

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Another meeting which has been held includes a community and social brainstorming event. This event took place in the head office of Barclay's in Canary Wharf and many exciting potential projects and events were discussed such as involvement with hampers for food banks, training sessions and networking events.

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I myself have been involved with JCI London and while I have been pursuing my active membership I have had the opportunity to attend an interview with Cath Kidson, classes on debating and public speaking, as well as learn about Nothing but Nets, an initiative which brings mosquito nets to communities suffering from malaria. I have also become involved with TedxSquaremile which is affiliated with the well-known Ted Talks and through this I have obtained free business cards, attended two business launch events at private members clubs, events at Google Campus London, the General Assembly as well as the London Chamber of Commerce. Without being involved with JCI, for me, none of this would have been possible!

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I would recommend becoming a member of JCI to anyone as you can develop skills that you never thought you would have and further develop any skills that you might already have. As well, I would recommend becoming a member of JCI Canary Wharf as you can be a part of something new and help to shape and develop this exciting new group. I look forward to transferring my membership from JCI London to JCI Canary Wharf.

Blog written by Danielle Nanton

JCI Canary Wharf Member

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