Challenge Yourself To Find An Interesting Fact!
Challenge Yourself To Find An Interesting Fact!

This year we are running a number of events in support of our chosen local charity 'The Barnsley Blind and Partually Sighted Association' and the national chosen charity 'Nothing But Nets'. Most of these events are aimed at try to raise money to support the amazing work that they do. However we also want to raise awareness of the things they are working towards.
With that in mind this month sees our attention turn to World Malaria Day and the work that 'Notning But Nets' do in their fight against malaria. In May (when we have nicer weather!) we will be running a nets themed games day, but in the run up to World Malaria Day JCI Barnsley would like to challenge everyone to find the most Intresting fact!
It can be anything as long as it is a true fact about Malaria! All you have to do is find a fact and share it on one of our social media sites:
Facebook Page
Twitter @jci_Barnsley
Linked In Group
Google +
(all the above can be sound by searching JCI Barnsley on the relevant site or links are on our website
Then at our Personal Developmet event (Shine - style and substance) which to be held on 25th April (World Malaria Day) I will announce who has found the best fact and a bed net will be donated in their name!
May the best fact win!
Charlie Pearson
2013 JCI Barnsley President