Fashion Bites Back - Update
Fashion Bites Back - Update
So it’s now August and I am currently sitting at home listening to some funky African music, feeling very excited about the Fashion Bites Back event, which will take place on Saturday the 8th of October at Northern Ballet. The JCI Leeds Community event planning team are having so much fun organising this charity project and I am pleased to report that plans are going very well. There has been a huge interest in the event and we are already close to selling out of the VIP tickets.
I don’t really know where to start with this update as so much has happened since I last wrote about the event, but firstly we are delighted to announce that Gavin Mintus has agreed to present Fashion Bites Back, Gavin currently works for the BBC and has a whole host of presenting experience. We are also very excited that Gwenny Rose Robson will be opening the show with a contemporary dance performance, which will be inspired by African rhythms. In addition, we have recently welcomed Penny Wood to the team. Penny is an incredibly talented and experienced choreographer and will be using her expertise to help the models perfect their walk on the catwalk.
The designers are now at the stage where they have been working on their garments for a number of months and we are all so excited about seeing the finished collections. In particular, while visiting Bozena Carter’s shop at Bird’s Yard in Leeds last week, I was lucky to get a glimpse of a netted garment that she is making for the event. I am not going to spoil the surprise by telling you more about the garment, but I will say that it is stunning and you won’t want to miss out on seeing these incredible designs. Make sure you join us on the night to experience our designer’s ideas, sketches and fabrics come to life in these beautiful creative garments.
All profits from the event will go towards the United Nations Foundations Nothing But Nets campaign, which helps to protect families in Africa from malaria through the distribution of bed nets. So by attending this event you will be supporting a very important cause and helping to save lives.
To book your ticket for the event just visit the Northern Ballet website at We will look forward to seeing you there for what promises to be a night of fantastic entertainment.
See you there!
Georgie x
Georgina Abbott
JCI Leeds Community Director