Good Heart Project

Good Heart Project

Posted By admin |28 Feb 2017
Good Heart Project

Did you know that Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United Kingdom? Over 160,000 people die each year of heart-related diseases and according to the British Heart Foundation, someone is struck by a heart attack every 3 minutes. Unfortunately, 30% of all heart attacks are fatal. 

Whilst we know that genetics and lifestyle are factors influencing this, we also know that the rate of cholesterol-induced heart disease can be reduced amongst people of all ages. As young active citizens, we would like to tackle this number one cause of death by focusing on promoting good health as a preventive measure.

This is why we are launching the Good Heart Project. In partnership with the British Heart Foundation- our chosen charity of the year, we will be promoting good physical health through adopting healthy eating lifestyles, reducing cholesterol intake and increasing exercise. This will also be our contribution towards fulfilling the United Nations Sustainable development Goal SDG #3 in promoting good health and well-being. 

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We will conduct education and awareness campaigns to highlight the high incidence of cholesterol-induced heart disease which ultimately leads to early mortality. 

As part of the campaign, we are encouraging young people to get their cholesterol levels tested and to monitor their cholesterol intake in diets. 

An exciting event to accompany our project will be our JCI members countrywide participating in a 10K run on Sunday 23rd April 2017 (Southampton for the South Chambers & Bolton for the North Chambers). We will have cheerleaders and supporters for both races also serving the purpose of promoting JCI. 

We hope to bring awareness of the community impact we make as JCI through press & media coverage, and also give young people the opportunity to join our great organisation . 

We will need all running participants to inform our National Community Director Epi Mabika ( and to register by 10th March 2017

Join us in our campaign to attack heart attack! 

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