How can JCI Sheffield be better?

How can JCI Sheffield be better?

Posted By admin |21 Oct 2013
How can JCI Sheffield be better?

The great thing about JCI is it that it is all about being better. Improving ourselves, improving our businesses and improving our communities. So of course we keen to ensure we keep improving our Chamber - and you can help!

Blog » JCI_BeBetter_Logo.jpg

First, it's helpful to look back at the year so far. What have you loved about being a part of JCI Sheffield? What hasn't been as good as it could be? How would you rate your experience to date?

Next, let's look ahead to next year - and beyond. What do you want JCI Sheffield to look like this time next year, in three years, in five? Think about size and demographic of membership. The types of events and projects we run. The opportunities for development. Our image in the wider community.

And then we can start to fill in the gaps! How can we build that better Chamber? What should we do more of? Or less of?  All ideas are good ideas so don't be shy! Obviously we can't do everything at once. But this is your Chamber so make sure your voice is heard.

 You can offer this feedback in a number of ways:

  • Email me at or call me on 07711 900 435 to discuss things one to one.
  • Join us at November's open Council meeting. Held at 6.15pm on 6 November 2013 at the Holiday Inn Express.
  • Come to our 2013/2014 handover and strategic planning meeting. Held from 9am on Sunday 1 December 2013 at Green Directions. Followed by some amazing local food! Book your place now!

The 2014 Council team will be voted in at our AGM in December (full details to follow). If you are interested in a director role, please let me know so I can answer any queries and start building your ideas into the action plan.