JCI London meets......JCI Tartus!
JCI London meets......JCI Tartus!

If there's one thing that this pandemic has proven it's that it can't stand in the way of something JCI is known very well for....networking. These last few months have demonstrated that through virtual events local, national and international members alike can tune in and interact with each other easily, being exposed to the diversity of the JCI wider community. However, why simply stop at just one event?
In a show of interconnectedness JCI London are excited to partner with JCI Tartus, Syria on the project 'E - Culture Campsite', designed to promote communication and cooperation between two JCI chapters across the world.
This will involve a series of sessions revolving around:
- London & Tartus members getting to know each other
- Exploring different cultures and languages
- Reviewing the SDGs
- Sharing our JCI stories and knowledge of our professionals careers
It's a fun time to connect with the JCI community across the globe so come join us around the proverbial campfire on the 26th October & 4th November!