Meeting JCI Minneapolis and JCI Saint Paul
Meeting JCI Minneapolis and JCI Saint Paul
Recently I started a new job that would mean travelling to North America on a regular basis. My first trip was in September and last 6 days! It left little time to escape work and see what America had to offer. This trip is 12 nights and I knew I'd have a completely free night on Halloween. What to do?? Sit in the mall ad people watch or find something else to do...
I knew JCI or Jaycees was a big deal in the US from other member's international experiences but that was all I knew. I sent an email to JCI Minneapolis on the odd chance that something might be happening that I could tag along to - after all it was Halloween. Kathleen from Minneapolis replied straight away saying she'd see what she could do. Minneapolis and Saint Paul are twin cities so surprisingly close together and it turned out that night Elyssa from Saint Paul had arranged a meet up so Kathleen invited me along.
It had been a long two days with work and as I sat for an hour and a half on two different trams (light rail to the US guys) I could feel my eyelids closing and I wondered what I was letting myself in for. Surely a warm hotel room and an early night would've been a more sensible option! Especially as it hadn't got above freezing all day! (I hear the UK is still experiencing warm temperatures so please don't rub it in hehe - I've had to buy a woolly hat).
As with all JCI events/meetings it was DEFINITELY worth the effort. Everyone made me very welcome and I even got some delicious Thai food.
Afterwards Elyssa, Kathleen and Samantha took me on a tour of Saint Paul and presented me with their 75th anniversary cook book. I'm already excited for some of the recipes in there. I'm now planning my next trip and hoping to make the the USA National Convention in March. Thanks JCI Minneapolis and JCI Saint Paul!