Meet John Weber - Executive Vice President for JCI, Europe
Meet John Weber - Executive Vice President for JCI, Europe
John Weber is Executive Vice President (EVP) for JCI in Europe. John is a member of JCI in the US and has been active on all levels of the organisation. There are 4 EVPs in JCI, one for each area, and like all other roles in JCI they serve for a year.
Can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you do?
My name is John Weber and I'm currently serving as an Executive Vice President for JCI and am assigned to Europe. I live in Bismarck, North Dakota with my wife Lisa and two children: Noah (11) and Abigail (9). Professionally, I work for a company overseeing a group of software developers that work on Enterprise Reporting and Business Intelligence.
How long have you been a member of JCI and why did you join?
I joined JCI in 1998. I was relatively new to my community and was looking for a way to get involved in my community. Then, a co-worker asked me if I have heard of JCI and invited me to join. Through the years, I became active on the local level, then the national level and now the international level.
How has your year been going so far? Can you explain a bit what you do as an EVP?
So far the year has gone EXTREMELY fast. This year, along with five Vice Presidents, have the pleasure of serving Europe. We serve as the liaison between the national organizations and the international organization. In addition to being a resource and voice for the national organizations in Europe, I will have the opportunity to serve as chair of the European Conference in Braunschweig.
Which countries and what events have you travelled to this year?
The year started with the January Board Meeting in St. Louis, USA. It was a week of training, team building and meetings to kick off 2012 year. We learned about the 2012 Plan of Action and what each of us can do to put our Passion into Action.
The next stop was the site inspection in Braunschweig, Germany for the 2012 European Conference. I had the opportunity to tour the venues, hotel and meet with the Conference Organizing Committee. JCI Braunschweig has done an outstanding job organizing a great European Conference. After that, I traveled to Sibiu, Romania for the European President's Meeting. It was here that I had the opportunity to meet all of the presidents serving throughout Europe.
In June, we have the European Conference followed by the Mid-Year Evaluation in St. Louis, USA. I'm also planning to attend the JCI Global Partnership Summit in New York, USA in July, the European Academy in August, the Know-How-Transfer in October and of course World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan in November.
If anyone is interested in taking on an international position in JCI, is there any advise or tips you can give them?
My advice would be to take advantage of all of the opportunities that JCI has to offer. It is a very diverse organization with lots of unique opportunities. I believe this organization has something to offer everyone, it is just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunities that are presented.
Second, sometimes we get so busy in our day-to-day routines, we forget to look back at all that we have accomplished and the people that we have met on our JCI journey. I'm thankful everyday for the friends that JCI has brought throughout the world.
Do you want to share something with us that we probably don't know about you?
One of my favorite activities is playing the piano.
And finally, we're really looking forward to seeing in Braunschweig, are you looking forward to seeing our sparkly Union Jack dresses at the European Conference?
I can't wait to see the Union Jack dresses at the European Conference!
Thanks John! Look forward to seeing you too!
You can read more about the international opportunities in JCI here