National Board - What was I thinking?

National Board - What was I thinking?

Posted By admin |21 Apr 2014
National Board - What was I thinking?

JCI Rotherham memBlog » JCI UK National Boardbership director, Fiona Sylvester, is also the 2014 JCI UK Membership Director sitting on the JCI UK National Board.

National Board is JCI UK governing body.  The Board's function is to represent members and assist local Chambers with various activities including marketing, charity work, personal development and much more.  The Board is also responsible for the JCI UK finances.

Read below about Fiona's experience so far on National Board.

This year brought on a new adventure - representing membership nationally on the JCI UK National Board. All the dates were set out before the new year and involve around 8 weekends a year. The Board is made up of members of lots of different Chambers throughout the UK. Meetings are Saturday to Sunday to allow everyone to travel and the maximum time to get work done it. It also allows a team night out on the Saturday but the less said about that the better ;).

Kate Senter - The energy and enthusiasm by everyone on the team is infectious. The amount of work each person does between meetings and the difference it makes is incredible. After the first meeting I felt completely unorganised for the year compared to everyone else. For those of you that know me will know being organised and prepared is very important to me. Thankfully I madeup for it before our next meeting and feel much happier about the membership plans for the year. If you're thinking about joining a Board either locally or nationally don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to talk it through. our National President (whoop) is a little bit of a fitness finatic so the Sunday morning always starts with bootcamp. Apparently this is optional but Kate's a scary lady to say no too. Don't let on but it actually sets you up really well for a day of hard work. 

Fiona Silvester
JCI Rotherham & JCI UK Membership Director