National Board 2016 - Your Questions Answered

National Board 2016 - Your Questions Answered

Posted By admin |14 Jun 2015
National Board 2016 - Your Questions Answered

Blog » National Board 2014.jpg

Being on the JCI UK National Board is a fantastic experience.  You get the chance to work with dedicated members from different chambersfrom around the country, learn new skills including contributing to the strategic planning for the organisation, help support the great work being undertaken by our local chambers and of course have lots of fun!

As Deputy National President it is my honour to recruit the National Board team for 2016.  I am so excited about the buzz being generated about 2016 already and can't wait to see who steps forward to take on a leading role in JCI UK next year.

Here is our Frequently Asked Questions about standing for a National Board position:

Who is eligible to stand?  Any fully-paid up member of JCI UK with a passion for getting involved at the national level of the organisation. 

What experience do I need?  At least one year of local council experience is helpful as you will be liaising with and mentoring the local council directors.  It is considered best practice for candidates for Deputy National President to have served for one year on National Board, but this is not a constitutional requirement.

Don't I need to have been a local president?  No!  See above.

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What is the time commitment?  You are expected to attend around 6 national board meetings a year, plus 4 national events, all of which take place over weekends.  Additional activities such as international and local events are encouraged, but at your own choice.

Each role has a different type of remit, which will affect the frequency and intensity of activity.  Some roles are focussed on event or project co-ordination, some require mentoring of other members and others involve ongoing administrative tasks.  Look out for our next blog which will contain more details of the roles and responsibilities of the various national board positions.

Isn't it costly?  There is a purse for national board members in the national budget, which helps toward the cost of travel and hotels for the meetings which take place around the country (although is unlikely to stretch to all costs for the whole year).  This is currently £500 for most directors, slightly more for the international director and less for the Regional Group Chairs as they are also supported by their region.  The Deputy and National President get a larger purse as they must represent JCI UK at several international events throughout the year.

What do I need to do to stand?  Fill in this form (also available from Admin Director Fiona Silvester) and get chambers to propose and second you.  One of these can be your own chamber.  It is best practice to get the approval of your home chamber via the local president before standing.

What is the deadline?  The completed form must be submitted to Admin Director Fiona Silvester by Friday 14 August.

Blog » national board.jpgWhat happens if there is more than one candidate for a role?  Elections will be held at the AGM on 12 September in Sheffield.  For contested elections, the Local Presidents (following consultation with members/their council team) and National Board members will vote by secret ballot.  Candidates may run an election campaign in accordance with these guidelines.

What if I can't commit to a national board role but still want to be involved?  Worry not, there are plenty of ways to get involved nationally in JCI UK in 2016 including project management roles, such as TOYP Director and LEAP Director, as well as roles supporting the National Board team.  We also welcome your own ideas for national projects and initiatives.

How can I find out more?  Speak to me or any of the current team about their specific roles.