Nomination deadline 2nd September!

Nomination deadline 2nd September!

Posted By admin |08 Aug 2016
Nomination deadline 2nd September!

myta IMAGES » MYTA2016-JPG.jpg

It’s rare that we get the opportunity to take a look at our team and show genuine appreciation for our superstars. Every workplace has them, those people that go above and beyond the call of duty. That arrive before 9am and are the last to leave in the evening. That are answering emails at weekends even when specifically instructed not to, and all for the good of a company, firm, organisation that they work with. They unknowingly form an irreplaceable cog in the organisational machine and inspire those around them through their dedication and hard work.

It was for this reason that JCI Manchester started its flag ship event, the Manchester Young Talent Awards some 7 years ago; to give businesses the chance to publicly show their appreciation for those superstars that make such a huge contribution to the running of their organisation.

Nominations are now officially open for you to nominate one of your team for the following awards:

-       Most Promising Young Person in Manchester (Rising star award)

-       Entrepreneur of the Year

-       Finance Professional of the Year

-       Legal Professional of the Year

-       Talent & Recruiter of the Year

-       Marketing/PR Professional of the Year

-       Digital, Media or Creative Professional of the Year

-       Property Professional of the Year

-       Team of the Year

-       And the new category for this year; Hospitality Professional of the Year

Each year we get a high number of nominations in each of the categories, and each year the judges comments on the quality of these nominations which is testimony to the quality of Manchester workforces. Each year the prestige attached to one of these awards grows and grows and people are coming to realise that it is 100% something worth going for, both in terms of their own profile and career progression and also in terms of their inner sense of pride in what they have achieved!  

But these aren’t the only reasons you should choose to nominate either yourself or a member of your team. Apart from the fact that a well performing member of your team gains some long overdue recognition and that there is the prestige attached to winning such an award; why else would you consider nominating someone?

Well firstly, its free publicity! Even if you don’t make the short list your nomination will be carefully considered by a panel of judges who may previously have never even known you or your company existed! And, the selection of judges this year is as good as it’s ever been, including;

-       Adrian Anderson – Partner and Head of Corporate and Commercial Law at Ralli Solicitors,

-       Paul Kenyon – Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Avecto Ltd, one of the UK’s fastest growing software company year on year,

-       James Hitchens, Owner of Neighbourhood Bar and Restaurant;

-       Mel Kirk, Founder and Owner of Pulsar Healthcare, a communications company recognised as one of the leading marketing agencies within their healthcare niche; and

-       Sarah Beckwith, JCI UK National President

That’s a good group of faces for you to shove your career merits in front of. Who knows what kinds of opportunities could open themselves up to you if the judges see them and are impressed.

Better still, If you end up making the shortlist for your category, your name will be publicly displayed on a number of occasions, both in the lead up to the awards ceremony via printed and social media outlets and on the award night itself, putting your individual/company profile in the faces of all the attendees and anyone who may read about it. It then goes without saying that the winners get more profiling still!    

Secondly, it demonstrates an appreciative company culture. Dale Carnegie in his book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ states that this is one of the most important principles in creating a workforce that actually want to work for you rather than just turn up and do the job each day for the pay check at the end of the month! Show them some genuine appreciation. Nothing says genuine appreciation like taking the time out of your day to fill out a nomination form for one of your employees who you believe has excelled and is worthy of an award.    

Finally, the evening itself is absolutely fantastic (even if we do say so ourselves). Every year the MYTA’s bar is raised in terms of the quality of the event. The band always plays a large variety of certified bangers and the drink flows freely! It’s 100% free to nominate so it really is a case of nothing to lose, everything to gain.

So start thinking about making a difference to someone’s year and nominate them for one of our prestigious MYTA awards. Nominations close on the 2nd September, so get nominating! For help and assistance with nominations contact Simon Anderson at


JCI Manchester MYTA Team 

Nominate HERE.