President's Blog - October
President's Blog - October
Late September sees the start of the JCI dinner season. It kicked off a few weeks ago with JCI Bradford's annual dinner which was the first time they have hosted a dinner in recent years. It was great to see the chamber getting back up to strength and making a difference in their area. Last weekend, we made the trip to Sheffield for their Hollywood themed dinner and in a few weeks it's JCI Leeds purple themed evening. It great to be able to attend the individual chambers dinners and celebrate the different achievements they have each had during the year so far. There's going to be a lot of competition for the JCI Yorkshire Regional Awards that are being judged at the moment and will be presented next weekend at Regional Dinner.
Don't worry though, JCI Barnsley have some really strong entries for the awards as well and I'm sure we'll come away with a good haul. Also, the date for the JCI Barnsley dinner has been confirmed. We'll be holding it on Friday 16th January at The Holiday Inn, Dodworth. Details are being finalised at the moment, and as soon as everything is confirmed we'll let you all know.
Whilst we're talking about 2015, our deputy president, Tracy Anderson, is holding a planning meeting where, members, senators and patrons can put forward their ideas of what they would like to see happen in 2015. The meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 14th, Holiday Inn Dodworth. If you want to come along, can you let Tracy or myself know so we have an idea of how many to expect. Click here to read what Tracy has to say about 2015 and her planning meeting.
Also later in the month, we have great training session planed with local historian Gill Brookes. Gill will be telling us all about the impact the Great War had on the Barnsley area and also how you can find out more about what happened to your ancestors during the Great War. You can book your place here.
That's everything from myself at the moment, so have a good month. The next time I write a blog will be after we've had National Conference in London so I'm sure there will be plenty to tell you about.
Ben Hawley
JCI Barnsley President 2014