Say Hello to the Real You

Say Hello to the Real You

Posted By admin |11 Sep 2011
Say Hello to the Real You

One of the most important factors in achieving success and developing yourself as a leader is to know yourself. What are my strengths, what are my weaknesses? How can I build on my strengths and compensate for my weaknesses?

The workshop "Say Hello to the Real You" with Stephen Wells on Monday the 5th of September was an attempt at helping the 15 participants begin the process of doing just that, and what a start it was!

Stephen runs his own coaching company, "Aim to Succeed" and makes a living out of helping individuals and businesses build a successful strategy for growth, and this evening gave us a taste of what it is he provides for his clients.

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As we discovered, going through this process is not always easy. Developing new insights into yourself and what you are will sometimes be a bit uncomfortable. But JCI provides just the sort of safe environment needed to do so. Stephen guided us through a thoroughly crafted presentation, interspersed with important features from Neurolinguistic Programming which made the participants aware of the importance of the labels we attach to ourselves, and how we define what we are. I believe I speak for everyone there when I say that we all learned something more about each other as well as ourselves that night, and that it really motivated us to begin learning more about ourselves and who we really are. Of course, one cannot change in just one night, but this night gave us the inspiration to begin that change on our own, and gave us some important tools help us along the way.

By Endre Lunde, JCI London Member

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