United Nations' International Youth Day 2015

United Nations' International Youth Day 2015

Posted By admin |12 Aug 2015
United Nations' International Youth Day 2015

Today is the United Nations' International Youth Day and this year’s theme is Youth Civic Engagement, which is about young people getting involved in issues that affect them, including both political and non-political topics.

Each year, people across the world put on events and share their stories.

You can find out more about International Youth Day at their website and see what events are going on across the country.

Website: http://undesadspd.org/Youth/InternationalYouthDay.aspx
Events: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer…

We'd love to know if you’ve been involved in anything, or have heard any other great stories of things going on within your local area (be it your local JCI chamber, workplace or community), that relate to International Youth day!