What are charity trustees?
What are charity trustees?
Using your skills + making an impact + making a difference = Trustees
What are Trustees?
"Charities exist to create a better society. The range and scope of their work and the variety of people they help is amazing. Whether working locally, nationally or internationally they have a remarkable history of driving social change which is reflected all around us in the world we live in today.
Charities could do none of this without their trustees...Being a trustee can be hard work and, for most, it's unpaid. The trustees have the ultimate responsibility for running a charity, for its property, finances and the employment of any staff or volunteers.
But being a trustee is also immensely rewarding, providing both expected and unexpected opportunities for personal development. And while you bring your skills and energy to running your charity, you will also find you are gaining new experience and knowledge"
Taken from http://www.charitycommission.gov.uk/publications/cc3.aspx#sthash.2X4uOfQW.dpuf
What will being a Charity Trustee involve?
- Attending meetings - where you will be involved in discussions about the development of the charity, this could involve areas such as human resources, finance the aims of the charity, areas of influence amongst other things.
- Reading papers before attending board meetings
- Meeting with appropriate people from the charity when appropriate - to find out more about how your charity works, what the pressures on staff are and generally developing relationships.
- You'll be as part of the board legally responsible for the charity, and will have your name registered on the charities commission website - the position is similar to that of a Director. (Most charities will have insurance to protect the board members against any claims.)
Why Be a Trustee?
1. Because it can be a "positive and challenging experience"
2. Because you can make a real difference to Sheffield - Charities need skilled and experienced people on their boards
3. You will gain real insight into the charities - this can be extremely fulfilling. "Understanding how my organisation works has given me real insight into the education sector and the challenges people face.
4. You have an opportunity to develop your skills in areas that you are interested in "A member of our team was interested in human resources, she went on a course but we didn't have the capacity to give her experience, by joining a Trustee Board she was able to develop her skills"
What Next?
Come along to the JCI Community evenings where we will look at what being a Trustee involves and how to find a charity. Click here for info about the Community Forum on 15th October If you can't make the evening then please get in touch with us via email laura@thirdsectorcafe.co.uk, on twitter @thirdsectorcafe or on facebook/thirdsectorcafe