What does it mean to be on National Board?
What does it mean to be on National Board?
If you're thinking about a National Board role in 2016, you may want to know what will be expected of you. I'm pleased to be able to publish the attached guidance, which sets out the main roles and responsibilities of the various National Board positions, plus a rough indication of the time commitment involved. Huge thanks to the current National Board team for their input into compiling this document.
I want to stress that these roles are not rigid. In the past some have been combined (e.g. Admin and Membership), while some have been split (Marketing/Communications had two directors in 2012). Ultimately many of the roles overlap and National Board will work together to deliver the outputs needed. We will use each other's strengths and support development needs to get results and ensure everyone has a great learning experience.
Here are some comments from current and past National Board members on why they took on particular roles and what they've got out of their experience.
"Being on National Board is a new experience for me after being a member of JCI for 7 years. It is interesting to see JCI from a different angle and I have learnt a lot from taking on a national board role".
Wasim Alfaisal, International Director 2015
"I took on this role because for over 12 years I have professionally been based in roles that involved building partnerships with a variety of different organisation. I have worked within the charitable sector for seven years and now within the vocational education arena which will allow me to use my professional skills to the benefit of JCI UK. I am a blue sky thinker. The answer is 'yes', the question is 'how can we do it?'. Networking and forming professional relationships is one of my biggest strengths and I genuinely enjoy doing it".
Michael Steel, Strategic Partnerships Director 2015
"The best thing about being on National Board is hanging out with a group of great, positive, supportive people. It's infectious".
Paul Widger, Finance Director 2014 & 2015
"I took on this role because I was excited about the impact JCI has on our members and wanted to contribute to the organisation and tell as many people as possible about it".
Michaela Schaller, Marketing Director 2014/15
"It's the contact with local board members and any potential/new members to JCI that I enjoy the most about my role. Seeing people join the organisation and then progress into running projects or taking on local roles. It's always rewarding supporting new and smaller chambers and seeing them grow and develop. I love the amount of contact I get from members on a daily basis that reminds me why I love doing this role".
Fiona Silvester, Membership Director 2014 & 2015
"There is something truly special about a member coming up to you after a training event that you've organised or delivered and saying they learned something which is going to make a difference for them. Knowing you've helped someone develop their skills and confidence is incredibly gratifying".
Sarah Beckwith, Personal Development Director 2014