World Congress 2016 - Delegates' Perspectives

World Congress 2016 - Delegates' Perspectives

Posted By admin |25 Nov 2016
World Congress 2016 - Delegates' Perspectives

This year's World Congress in Canada was my sixth JCI World Congress. I've attended them on four continents and each is unique and memorable in different ways. This year, as National President, I had the great honour of representing JCI UK throughout the event, which included waving the union flag on stage during opening ceremony, hosting knowledge-sharing meetings with other national organisations and being the official "chief delegate" at the general assembly attended by the international board of directors and delegates from JCI's over 100 national organisations from all around the world.

It was fantastic to see other national presidents who have been sharing the same experience as me for the past two years and celebrating all of JCI's achievements from the last year. Seeing JCI UK recognised in numerous ways throughout the week made the experience even more special.

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Catching up with other National Presidents

The conference was superbly organised and it was wonderful to see the JCI UK delegation really making the most of the experience. Below some of the members who attended share their impressions of the week.

JCI London member and 2017 National Community Director, Epi Mabika, was attending a World Congress for the second time:

"The World congress experience was sensational! Amidst all the spectacular welcome shows and performances, we attended sessions that equipped us with tools, tips and strategies on becoming better leaders within our organisation. We also had access to practical workshops on how to engage local businesses and other society sectors in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals to create sustainable impact within our communities.

The highlight for me was hearing a keynote from the astronaut - Chris Hadfield - who spoke about his spaceflight dream from childhood & how he broke all barriers to fulfil this. I felt empowered to pursue my own dreams too, no matter how ridiculous they may sound, knowing that "impossible things happen" with faith, persistence and resilience.

I'm thankful to be part of a great organisation that exposes us to such unique opportunities and I applaud the Canadian Congress Organising Committee for hosting us and putting up such an exquisite conference."

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Epi and friends at a workshop

We were delighted to be joined by globetrotting entrepreneur Zack Young, who appreciated the very special atmosphere at a JCI world congress:

"Attending any of the global JCI events serves as a reminder to me that there is a community of likeminded people out there. It's like meeting a distant family who are eager to engage in deep conversation and share positive energy."

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Zack and friends from all corners of the world

Immediate Past National President, Drew Charman, had this to say:

"Another World Congress, another simply amazing time! I'm regularly asked what makes JCI so unique compared to other similar organisations. Whilst there are many strings to our bow that we could easily use in response, the one that really makes JCI different for me is the opportunity to travel to many other countries and to experience the diverse cultures that each one offers. Attending a conference is always such a fun experience, providing members to catch up with so many friends from other countries and to make plenty of new ones too.

This year's World Congress in Québec, Canada saw a large number of Senators in attendance. The JCI UK National Board, along with the British Senate Council, has been actively working on further enhancing the great collaboration between our members and Senators over the last few years. It was fantastic to see contribution from all of the attending Senators to the activities of the JCI UK delegation, attending the traditional start of conference Welcome Drinks, supporting National President Sarah during the Opening Ceremony, assisting with the Global Village stall (both in supplies and manning it), plus supporting the newer JCI UK members attending their first conference and helping ensure they have the best experience possible

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Drew and fellow senator Sara enjoying the global village party