New Years Resolutions
New Years Resolutions
It's that time of year again. It that time of year when we commit ourselves to making a change. For some people, they might want to lose a bit of weight. Others might want to exercise more. For others, it might be as simple as finishing that book they started 5 months know the one: you read about 50 pages before Stranger Things started and you got hooked into a Netflix binge.....or was that just me?
For the JCI London 2017 council, some of us have taken it upon ourselves to make our own resolutions: what we want to get out of our JCI experience this year.
BLANKA (Training Director): In keeping with my role as the "Training Fairy" this year, I mostly just want to be able to bring out the best in others. More than this, I really want to bring out the best in myself. Even if I just bring out the best in one person I'll be really proud, and I'm definitely in a good position to do so with all of the training events I have planned! JCI is the best place to push yourself and really be the best "you" that you can, and I think that with my plan for the year our members will really get the chance to step out of their comfort zones. The first event is all about goal setting, and you can get your tickets HERE!
ADELINE(Communities Director): This year, I'm setting out with an incredibly ambitious and exciting project, which I can't wait to get started on in February. In short, its a three stage initiative: first, make a resolution to take care fo yourself, then the environment and, and finally the people in your environment. My resolution is to make the most of this project and actually help people to make those small changes in themselves and their communities to create a much bigger impact, which is what this is all about. If anyone wants to help out with this project, whether it's to get involved in the team or just to make a resolution, just contact me on Facebook or whatsapp and I'll let you know more!