Reflecting on: Sleep Well, Live Better

Reflecting on: Sleep Well, Live Better

Posted By admin |26 Jul 2019
Reflecting on: Sleep Well, Live Better
JCI Barnsley members got out of the unprecedented hot British July weather last night to spend the evening in the air-con'd Holiday Inn for this month's training session led by Local President Bev - Sleep Well, Live Better. She covered information about causes of sleeplessness, what the role of sleep is, and what impact good quality sleep can have on our emotional, physical health. She also explained what lifestyle changes we can make, and what we could look at improving in our bedroom to improve our sleep quality - thus in turn improve our quality of wakefulness! Some comments from our attendees: "I was surprised that there's so much that can affect how you can fall asleep and that has a knock on effect on the quality - little things like having a cup of tea in the evening, and playing on your phone before bed - can all build up to affect it!" "Bev covered a lot of technical stuff and explained the natural chemicals involved in sleep, how they affect your sleep and wakefulness, both positively and negatively. It was very interesting." If you're having regret for missing out... well where were you? In an upcoming blog we'll share some of the top take-away learnings from the training. Hope to see you at our next training!